
1.       By registering with the CountUrDays Mobile Application (App) the user agrees to all of the terms, conditions, disclaimers, privacy and the end user license agreement.

2.       The CountUrDays Mobile Application (App), when activated, will allow the user to automatically and actively track and manage the number of days the user spends in any country they visit.   In the countries listed below, the App will calculate these days in accordance with that particular country’s Substantial Presence Test tax rules thus allowing the User to actively know the remaining number of days that may be spent in that country without triggering a tax event.

a.       USA

b.       Canada

c.         Australia

d.         Spain

e.         Portugal

Further, the the App will count the number of days the User is present in the countries listed below and shall report them on the Dashboard for the User to make their own determination as to their tax status. Each of the countries below has specific and individual Substantial Presence Test rules that the User should consult with a professional on to understand their tax exposure to the country in question.

a.      Switzerland

b.     New Zealand

c.       India

d.       Japan

e.       Ireland

f.       England

g.       Sweden

h.        Norway

i.       Germany

j.       Denmark

3.       This App is not recognized by tax authorities and is strictly for the self-management of the number of days a user stays in the countries visited.  Errors and or failure may occur due to poor or no: cellular service, GPS service or data service. 

4.       USAGE: Add the personal information required by the App along with historical days spent in all countries in the current year as well as all days spent in the two years prior to the current year. The App will then begin to automatically track the users travel days spent in all countries while calculating, in the background, the remaining days before a taxable event (the App will only calculate the days remaining before a taxable event if the country visited has a Substantial Presence Test Tax rule or law, and it shall only do so for the countries listed under disclaimer 2.).

5.       The user understands and acknowledges that the App must be permitted to track the user at all times if the App is to function correctly.  Disabling the App’s tracking ability will result in errors to calculations and results provided on the App’s Dashboard.  Any errors or omissions may be corrected within the Activity Page of the App.

6.       The App will require the user’s individual authorization and approval of travel to a new country and failure to do so will result in errors to calculations and results provided on the App’s Dashboard.